Top Dog Services Acquires Four Additional Øveraasen RS 400 Multifunctional Units

Top Dog Services acquired an additional four Øveraasen RS 400 multifunctional units; increasing our Øveraasen RS 400 multifunctional unit fleet to eight. The Øveraasen RS 400 multifunctional unit is a Mercedes-Benz six wheel drive vehicle. These vehicles provide our customers with a safe and clean finished surface by utilizing their 28 foot snow plow, 21 foot belly mounted metal & poly broom, and their integrated air blaster on the rear that can blow snow and any other foreign object debris at 335 miles per hour. Each vehicle can clear 81.5 acres per hour at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour. The Øveraasen RS 400 multifunctional units compliment Top Dog Services’ snow removal equipment at Washington Dulles International Airport, allowing our team to continue to efficiently and safely clear snow and ice for United Airlines.